Sunday, 13 November 2011

Socail Network - Audience Reseach

For my research I used social network sites to find out more information about my audience and their views on different soaps. Doing this will allow me to be able to create a soap that will appeal to my audience and have creative storyline that is relatable for my target audience. First I looked at ‘Facebook’ looking at the ‘Hollyoaks’ page to gain information from their fans on the storylines and what they think of what’s happening. Along with this I looked at ‘Twitter’ see what people were twitting about ‘Home and Away’ to gain an understanding of their view and how I can develop my soap.
The tweets that the fans, put over the different ways that they watch the soap, being that these were tweeted as they were watching the programme and from looking at these I can see the important elements that I need to include in my soap. The tweets show the way in which people connect with the characters, showing the way in which I need to create believable characters. The tweets also put over the way in which finding the right music is important and has an effect on the emotion of the audience and what they are seeing. It also puts over the way in which I need to think the impact of choosing a costume that reflects the characters but also fit in with the style of the audience. 

From looking at the comments on ‘Facebook’ page the comments manly focused on the storyline and showed me that I need to think carefully about the way in which I create my plot. Make sure that I have a storyline that allows the audience to become excited about it and talk about by having a plot that creates issues and allows the audience to relate to the characters.

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