Looking at the rote of the eye it follows the conventional layout. Having the information bubble as the first thing that the audience see, allows the audience to know what the magazine is. This can also be seen by having the teasers along the top allow the audience to see what is going to be in the magazine. When the eye goes through the middle it see the title and the main story characters photo having this in the middle allows the audience to see the main story and this should appeal to them. Then like the top the bottom use story titles and teasers to appeal to the readers. The way in which the images have been placed through the rote of the eye follows conventions and allows the audience to understand what will be inside the magazine. The principle of thirds also follows the conventions of a front cover, having the hot spots around the main character draws the audience attention to her and can see that she in the main person in the story. This can also be seen as she is in the primal optical area signifiers the way in which she is the most important character. Filling the dead areas with teasers makes the most of the spaces and fits in with the conventions. Using this appeal to the audience, being that different stories will appeal to different people.
The way font is used is conventional and stands out in a shop, allowing people walking past to be able to clearly read what is being said. Their is a house style that links different teasers having together, doing this highlights the way in which these stories are linked and allows the audience to have a clear understanding of what the teaser is saying. The 'two week' bobble uses thinner font, having this have its own font makes it stand out from the teasers and using this font makes it fit into the space.
Where as the words 'CHEAT' and 'LOVER!' have matching font, using the capital letters and the impact font makes these words stand out from the other tiles. Using this font allows the audience to gain a full understanding of the storyline; also using the short snappy words makes it stay in the audience minds. Then bullet-points at the bottom are unconventional being that they are long phases, thought they use a smaller size font doing this shows the way in which it is less important. This can be seen with the teasers in with the information show using a smaller font, however using the impact font is typical and makes what is being said standout. Using this style makes the headlines stand out and gets the audience attentions.
Where as the other cover used neutral colours, where as the colour scheme for this cover uses more female colours using the pink, yellow and white. Having these colours makes the cover standout from other covers however using this scheme could put off male audience members, thought the target audience of soaps is females. The way in which I look a colour and the effect it has on the audience when choosing
my colour scheme. Having the headline in red is conventional to magazines but use this colour makes it standout from the background and gets the audience attention. The teasers along the top use white writing but have a red background, using this has the same effect and makes the teaser stand out, allowing the audience to clearly see what is being shown. Having the bubble green makes it standout being that it is the only thing on the cover in that colour scheme, using this makes it standout from the teaser and gets the audience attention.
The images used fit in with the conventions of the soap font covers uses the mid shots, this can be seen in the main image in which the audience can see the facial express and what the they are wearing. Having the denim sleeveless jacket signifiers the tom-boy characteristics of the characters, this is matched by the facial express in which it connotes to the audience that she is up to something, which can be seen in the position of the characters, using the male character at the back reflects the way in which the female character plays a bigger part in the storyline.
This can also be seen in the teasers in which the female character is stood at the front with the two males behind her, signifing the way in which she is in control. The costume used reflect the way in which the female character is innocent being that she is wearing white and the male characters behind her are wearing black connoteing the way in which they are the ‘bad’ characters in the storyline.The first teaser of the man in the car is an image used from the soap, this is something that the other soap used and helps the audience to gain an understanding of what is going happen. Using this image also draws attention of the audience to the image and allows the audience to know what is going to happen, this is reflect by the font used having a horror font connoting the dramatic storyline and fits in with what is being said ‘CRASH HORROR’. The language used is typical of that found in font cover, using the short and snappy phases that will get the audience attention and stay in their minds. This can be seen with ‘Eddie EXIT?’ using this alliteration makes it standout and putts effect on what is being said. The langue used in the cover is unconventional and appeal to the audience being that it is easy to read and allows the audience to fill like to language is talking to them which appeal to them, when thinking about creating my cover I need to think carefully about the way in which I shape my language to make sure it appeal to the right audience. The language used is unconventional being that it uses long phases, where as most cover use short phases, using the long phases allows the cover to put over all the information it wants to the audience. Through when creating my cover I think that it would be better if I used short phases as it would make it easier of the target audience to read them when walking past.
The characters are represented in a typical way that highlights the characters in the soap. Showing the conflict that they characters having, the way in which these characters are represented can be seen through the use of positioning with the female characters being in control over the male characters. This is unconventional, as many women are shown to be weaker then men. However the target audience for soaps is female, which means to appeal to them female characters are going to be shown in a powerfully way. This is also seen in the conventions used having the colours scheme, using the pink is a conventional colour to aim at a female audience. However from looking at other magazine cover there are elements that are unconventional, using the long phases and the layout having the dates at the top which is usual placed at the bottom, so that the audience will remember it. When creating my cover I need to think about what conventions I think would appeal to my audience and what conventional I think would be best to not to follow being that they would not appeal to my target audience.
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