The front used is done in the same style using throughout the cover. Using this house style makes the titles stand out from the photos. However with this the titles used at the bottom teasers used as different technique, this can be seen with the left one.

The colours used in this cover are conventional to soap magazines this can be seen with the title, using the red makes it stand out against the other magazines, when being distrusted, making it appeal to the audience.

The image shots used fit in with convention for a magazine, having the characters shown in mid shots allows the audience to get a clear view of the characters.
This chooses can be seen in the teaser where the image of the characters are shown in a mid shot, using this allows the audience to see the costume and the position of the character. Using this makes it clear to the audience who they are. The teaser in the bottom hand corner uses the same shot but the way in which the characters are placed signifiers the storyline and the characters relationship. Using this photo with the title allows the audience to have an understanding of who the characters are. The image as so makes the teaser stands out from the background. Where as the other teaser on the bottom is taken from the soap this can be seen because of the background, using this image allows the audience to see what soap it’s from and to gain an idea of what is going to happen. The location which is seen in the photo is of someone’s house, the wall paper used reflects the house to be of an older person. This can be seen because of the use of the dolour colours used.
The teaser used along the top have also been taken out of their soap, the images they use here are close ups doing this allows the viewers to see the facial expression of the characters and gain an idea of what is going to happen in that soap. Using different images from different soap allows the front cover to appeal to a wider audience being that different people watch different soap, so doing this allows the magazines to appeal to them all. This is something that is convention to soap front cover and I feel would be good to use when creating my own cover.

The language used in the front cover is very convention using shot snappy phases, which will get the audience attentions. Such as “Heartbreak!” using this will get the audience intents and this also a conventional storyline in soaps. Using this informal language appeal to the audience and fits in with the purpose of the text, being that if they had used formal langue it would not appeal to the audience. This is as the magazine is aimed at an audience that wants to gossip and of a lower demographic. This can be seen by the way in which the phrases are formed. The way in which langue is used I feel is effect in appeal to their audience and feel that this would be effect in my magazine, being that it will be aimed at the same audience.
The representation of the characters is done in a stereotypical way and reflected that if the soap character. Having them represented like this fits in with the conversions. The way in which the cover is layout is conventional. Using these conventions and the representation appeal to the audience in a way that they can connect with the characters and have an clear understanding of what it happening in the soaps and what it going to be inside. The way in which this cover has put over the characters, I feel is done in a way that allows the audience to have a clear understanding of who they are, this is something that I will need to include in my cover to appeal to the audience. This is the same with the conventions, laying out the cover in a conational way will audience my target audience to have a clear understanding as to what the cover is for.
The representation of the characters is done in a stereotypical way and reflected that if the soap character. Having them represented like this fits in with the conversions. The way in which the cover is layout is conventional. Using these conventions and the representation appeal to the audience in a way that they can connect with the characters and have an clear understanding of what it happening in the soaps and what it going to be inside. The way in which this cover has put over the characters, I feel is done in a way that allows the audience to have a clear understanding of who they are, this is something that I will need to include in my cover to appeal to the audience. This is the same with the conventions, laying out the cover in a conational way will audience my target audience to have a clear understanding as to what the cover is for.
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