The layout of this cover is unconventional and dose not fit in with the other front covers, this can be seen because of the use of bubbles and the positioning of the main story. Having it on the left and not centralised. The rote of the eye follows conventions, with the title of the cover in the primal optical area. Having this as the first thing that the audience sees allowing them to know what the cover is. However the way in which the title is laid out is unconventional, using the boxes to put it in instead of having the headline across the front. Though having it only use up a one area allows the cover to use more teasers. This can be seen as the eye goes through the centre of the cover, this covers two stories. The main soap story and then going through the ‘Doctor Who’ teaser; going through these two teasers would appeal to a wide audience, being that both of these programmes have big audience but with this the both appeal to different audience. So having both of them in the rote of the eye makes the cover appeal to a wide audience. Then in the terminal area they show a teaser for ‘Corrie’ using this in the terminal area means that the audience will remember that trailer. This can be seen with the principle of thirds in the way the hot shorts are placed having them covering the title, main story and other teasers. Having the poster laid out like this makes sure that the audience sees all the stories. The cover is more disorder than the other covers I have looked at in the way in which the main stories and teasers are placed. Though with this it is clear to the audience what is being shown. The way in which the front cover is laid out is important, in getting the magazine distributed and bring in an audience for it. When creating my cover I need to think carefully about were I place the images and the stories because of the effect that it has on the audience.
Using the impact font makes the titles standout from the images and gets the audience attention. Where as the other covers I have looked at has had a house style on the fonts used, this one different styles of each teaser, doing this makes each teaser standout to the audience.

Using blue as the background appeals to a male audience and then having titles in more famine colour makes the cover appeal a female audience. Using these colours has a similar effect to that of ‘Inside Soap’ making the cover neutral and appeal to both genders, this is important in make the cover appeal to a wide audience. This is something that I need to think carefully about and the effect it has on which audience it appeals to.

The language which is used is informal and fits in with the conventions. Using this informal language appeal to the audience and from my research I have found that this is something used throughout soap magazine covers. When creating my cover I believe that using this style of writing will appeal to my audience and allow them to have a clear understanding of what is being said. This is something that I think this cover dose well, using the short snappy phase allows the audience to be able to read the cover lines from far. For each of the teaser there is only a small title such as with ‘Merlin’ in which the title of the programme and ‘New’ is all that is shown. Using this allows the audience to instantly now what the article is going to be about. This technique is used throughout the cover and I believe that it is more effect than using lots of information. When doing audience research I will find out what technique appeal to my target audience more.
The ways in which the different characters are representation are conventional to the way in which they are shown on their programme and allow the audience to connect with them. This can be seen by uses different types of characters such using the ‘Doctor’ to appeal to a male audience and then having ‘Robbie’ to appeal to a female audience. The representation of the characters is shown through the technique areas this allows the audience to know who the character is and what role they play. This is done in a very conventional by using the mid and close up shots of the characters. However the way in which the different teaser is laid out is unconventional and makes the layout look disorder. When choosing the type of layout I would like to use, I will show my target audience different layouts like this one to see which cover appeal to them most. Working out which conventions will best appeal to my target audience is important, in getting people to buy the magazine.
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