When creating my different products, I had to uses a rage of different technology, in which I found that some where more effetive and easire to uses than other. Heres a rage of the technologys I used:
Twitter and Facebook
Windows Publisher
Canon ixus 105
Panasonic HDC-SD900
Photo Explosion Image Editor
How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
A2 Media Studies
- 1. Research (20)
- 2. Planning (31)
- 3. Construction (Ancillary) (18)
- 3. Construction (Audiovisual) (11)
- 4. Evaluation (4)
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
To gain understanding of what my audience think about my different proucts I used social networking sites both facebook and twitter to gain a direct view from my audeince. To see thier respons to the poster, cover and trailer and allows me to see the way in which my porducts have been succesfully and what the strengths and weaknesses of my products.
Magazine Cover

Magazine Cover

From posting the magazine cover on ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ it allowed me to gain comments from my target audience that let me see their direct views on what they thought about the magazine cover. Looking at the different comments I found that most of them were positive, saying that the different images used work well and braw attention to the magazine. Though with the my chosen colour scheme I found that the comments were mix with some of my target audience liking it and other thinking that it could be improved to make it more noticeable.
For the poster I posted it on ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ it gain the direct views of my target audience, this meant that I was able to see their views on the poster. Looking at the comments I found that my target audience liked the colour scheme being that they felt it made the poster stand out and highlight the characters and the plot. Though with this one of the main things to improve was the positioning of the logo as it blends into the background.
By posting the trailer on ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ it allowed me to get the views of my target audience and by using social networking sites it allowed me to get the audience direct views on what they think. I found that the comment about the trailer was mainly positive saying that it kept them interested in what they were watching. With the music fitting in with the action and the transitions working well to show the plot line. However with this one of the main comments for improvement was about the continuity of the trailer.
_______________________________________________________Along with using social networking sites I created a survey using SurveyMonkey in which it allowed me to embed the survey on the social networking sites and again a better understanding of what they through about my different products.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

3. By asking what my audience felt where the strengths allows me to see what I have done well. From there comments I found that they liked the colour, “The use of colour through out links them together”. Along with this I found the way in which the characters were shown different products appealed to them, “The characters are clearly shown”. They also mentioned the trailer, “The drama in the trailer is good”, also with others saying, “It keeps me hooked” which was the aim and “I definitely want to see more about Hatton Park ”. Showing the way in which my audience was positive about the different products I created.
4. By finding out what my target audience would change it means that I can see what did not work so well in my different products. For the ancillary products I found that my audience said that they to “bring over more of the plot lines”, this was a good comment as it was something I found to was hard to bring over in the images. Along with this they said that “the magazine is a bit busy”, through when looking at other magazine covers I found that many had a busy layout. Along with this someone said “I would also change the magazine covers colours as you can’t see some of the text”, this was a good point and next time I need to make sure that the front and colours are clear for the audience to see. Then with the trailer I found that they felt they “would like to see more drama in the trailer” and saying “you could give away a little more about the characters”. When creating the script and storyboards we need to have through more about the best way to portray the characters clearly.

8. To make sure that the different products I create I ask if the would make my audience watch the soap. All of them saying yes, “it looks like it could be good” which is what I want the audience to feel about the soap. “The magazine and the poster advertise the soap well”, this is good as I need to make sure that the ancillary product brought over the soap well. With other saying that it “make me interested in what its going to be about” with was the over all plan for each of my products.
_______________________________________________________Audince Interview
I had audience interviews with different members of my demographic. Doing interviews meant that they were about to give their full view and not have a word limit. I have edited the different responds to bring over the main points of what they were saying.
Throughout creating my different products I used feedback from my target audience to help me to develop my products in a way that appealed to my target audience. By using the social networking sites throughout the construction allowed me to gain a direct idea of what they thought of my product and how I could make it more successful. By using audience feedback I was able to make sure that I created a successful product. Being that I was able to develop and changed my product by what they were saying. Seen with the trailer in which posting it on social networking sites and holding focus groups meant that I was able to see what my audience like of what we had done and see how we could develop it to make sure that the music worked and that the characters were clear. I used the same methods of my poster and magazine cover to make sure that my audience understood the soap from the image and the titles.
Friday, 23 March 2012
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
‘Hollyoaks’ creates a package of their upcoming week, ‘fire week’ including a trailer and poster from looking at these and comparing them to the media package that I created looking at the different ways they created a brand identity and the different techniques that I used to create a brand identity across my different products.

I was unable to find a magazine that linked in with the brand identity because the magazine cover are created by a different company, however with my magazine I was able to put in links that made it part of the brand but still keep an individuals magazine cover that brought over the soap and other programmes.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
1. In what ways does your media product uses, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Director's Commentary
For our trailer I found that I mainly followed conventions, we did this with our choses in music. Having the song reflect what is being shown allows the audience to gain a better idea as of what the plot line will be. Seen with the ‘Eastenders’ Kat and Alfie trailer in which they uses music to reflect the theme of the trailer being in a western style. Whereas the music we used fit in with the target audience, being upbeat and pop music.

The way in which we end the trailer follows the conventions being that it gives the audience all the information about soap that the audience needs and by having it at the end means that the audience is likely to remember this. Looking at the way ‘Neighbours’ ‘600th episode’ trailer end it follows convention by allowing the audience to see what the advert was about and when and where the soap will be on. This is what we include at the end of our trailer, however to appeal to a younger audience we had the titles coming in and out to get their attention. Then by using the logo over it allows the audience to easily to see what programme is.

Monday, 19 March 2012
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