Director's Commentary
For our trailer I found that I mainly followed conventions, we did this with our choses in music. Having the song reflect what is being shown allows the audience to gain a better idea as of what the plot line will be. Seen with the ‘Eastenders’ Kat and Alfie trailer in which they uses music to reflect the theme of the trailer being in a western style. Whereas the music we used fit in with the target audience, being upbeat and pop music.
The shots types that we used throughout the trailer were conventions. Seen by the way in which we used close up, which I found were typical used in the ‘Coronation Street’ ‘This is my Lucky Day’ trailer used conventional close up to highlight the character’s feelings and lets the audience to gain a understand of who the character is. We used close ups throughout our trailer being that we felt that this would allow the audience to gain an understand of the character is. Seen by the close up used on Jessie that allows the audience to see the way in which she is annoyed.

The way in which we end the trailer follows the conventions being that it gives the audience all the information about soap that the audience needs and by having it at the end means that the audience is likely to remember this. Looking at the way ‘Neighbours’ ‘600th episode’ trailer end it follows convention by allowing the audience to see what the advert was about and when and where the soap will be on. This is what we include at the end of our trailer, however to appeal to a younger audience we had the titles coming in and out to get their attention. Then by using the logo over it allows the audience to easily to see what programme is.
The way in which we used costume was conventional, being that we felt it would allow the audience to gain a better understanding of the type of character they are. Looking at the way in which they used costume in the ‘Coronation Street’ trailer the uses costume to reflect the way in the other characters did not think the wedding was going to go well. Whereas in our trailer the costumes used bring over the different stereotypical reputation of the character, seen with what Elizabeth wears, using dull colours and the glass reflect to the audience the way in which she fills the role of a typical ‘nerd’.
I also found that it was conventional that for trailer to include titles in the trailer to bring over a clear image of what the up coming story will be able. This can be seen in the ‘Neighbours’ trailer in which it uses a rage of short one word phases that brought over the clips there were showing and to highlight to the audience going to happen. Where as in our trailer we uses to title to bring over what will be the storylines. Though along with this we uses the same phrase but changing the last word to bring over continuity which is also seen through the colours used. By following the conventions it has made it easier for the audience to understand what they are being shown.
The location we chose was conventional to our target audience and looking at other films and television programs aimed at teens they use the same school location. Being that the audience are familiar with it and it allows them to gain a better understanding of the plot and characters. By using the school location in our trailer it meant that we were able to clear bring over to the audience watching it who it was aimed at and what it would be about.
We did not uses many props in our trailer however what we did uses was conventional to our audience being that they were typical things that they would understand. Such as using the note book for Elizabeth brought over her character to the audience and allows them to instantly know what type of person she is. The other main prop we used is also conventional being that of mobile phones; we used these to highlight the relationship with Jessie and Billy. However using the phones appeal to our target audience being that they identify and use mobile phones more that other age groups.
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