The trial for ‘Coronation Street’ wedding ‘This is my Lucky Day’ fits in with conventions and allows the audience to be able to relate to the characters shown. This can be seen with the camerawork, the way in which it is used is conventional and allows the audience to clearly see who the characters are.
This can be seen with the first shot used having the close mid shot through the mirror. Using this shot allows the audience to be able to see the type of characters she is. Later there is a shot used of the male character getting ready, here they use a cover the shoulder shot with the audience being able to see him getting ready in the mirror. This is similar to the shot used at the start making this parallel between the two characters, allows the audience to see that the two characters have a link. The different between the two shots signifiers the way that the male character is more important, being he takes up more spaces in the shot. The camerawork highlights the upcoming story line to the audience. After they shot of the characters is shown there is a close up on the wedding card saying “Good Luck on your Big Day”, using this close up allows the audience to clear know what the trailer is for. Cutting this shot in as the second shot, makes it clear to the audience what is going to happen. This can be seen in the camera movement when the shot used for setting the table, the camera pans around this then cuts to the cake being iced which using the same movement. Using this acted as a graphic match and allows the audience to see the relation with the two scenes. Along with this they use a
aerial shots having this shot for the character bring in the flowers using this allows the audience to see what he is carrying. The other aerial shot is of Becky spinning in her dress, using an aerial shot for this allows the audience to see her full costumes and signifiers the way in which she is looking forward to the wedding. Putting both of these shots allows the audience to have clear understanding of what is happening. The advert shows the audience the way in which Becky is excited and looking forward to the wedding, where as the other characters are looking more worried about what is going to happen. This is connoted by the use of camera work, when Becky is in the car they use a close up of her looking excited showing to the audience the way in which she is unaware. This then cuts to another close up but of Steve looking worried about the wedding.
Using the same shot of these two allows the audience to clearly see the different between the two characters. The way in which the camerawork is used is conventional and allows the audience to clearly see what the upcoming storyline is. It also allows the audience to focus on the theme, this can be seen in with the use of deep focus with the wedding figures on the cake in focus allowing the audience to clearly see the upcoming storyline and using the deep focus makes the character making the cake out of focus showing the way in which she is less important.
The editing used signifiers the way in which the other characters feel that the wedding this not going to go well. This can be seen by the use of the cutting showing a clip of Becky getting ready and then showing a clip of other characters preparing for the wedding. Using this allows the audience to gain an understanding of the way in which Becky feels about the wedding and the way in which the other characters feel it will go. Using this allows the audience more excited about what is going to happen. The pace of editing is fast this fits in the representations of Becky as an up beat and eager person, this also shows the audience the way in which the wedding has been rushed into.
The use of shot reverse shot allows the audience to see the reaction of the characters. Using this allows the audience to see the way in the characters feel about the wedding and the relationship they have. For the last shot they use the opening credit shot using this allows the audience to know what soap the advert was for and appeal to a new audience. When creating my soap trail I need to think about the way in which I can appeal to my target audience.
The way in which sound is used is unconventional being that there is no use of sound effect such as when Becky opens the bottle of wine there is on sound of it popping. Using this is unconventional but allows the audience to listen to the background music. Having just this music allows the audience to see the theme of the advert, being that the song is about how lucky she is going to be, where as the other characters are reflecting the way in which the wedding is not going to go well. There is also no dialogue used in the advert this means that the camera work used, needs to show the audience the reactions of the characters. However not having anyone speaking allows the audience to see how Becky is unaware of the other characters views on what is happen. The use of the voice over is done in a conventional way in that it gives the audience information on what the advert was for. It also signifiers the fact that the wedding is on Friday the 13th, using this date puts over the theme of lucky and appeals to the audience being that it adds to the drama of the wedding. The voice over starts just as the music reaches it climaxes doing this means the voice over stands out and creates dramatic ending to the soap and draws in new audiences.
The mise-en-scene is used in a way that helps to connotes the theme of the advert. This can be seen with the lighting. Using bright high key lighting fits in with the atmosphere created by Becky and fits in with the wedding theme.
Where as the use of costume dose not fit in the wedding theme. Thoughts that are not part of the wedding are wearing black, this the type of costume used for a funeral and not to a wedding. Having this costume fits in the idea that the wedding is not going to go well. The character icing the cake is wearing green, this again fits in idea that Becky needs luck being that green is a typical luck colour. The wedding dress represents the way in which Becky is not a conventional bride being that her wedding dress is pink, using this has the same representation of that as the character in ‘Neighbours’, connoteing the way in which she is a typical female character. The way in which the costumes are used is effective and allows the audience to have an understanding of the characters. When creating my trailer I need to think carefully about the way in which I uses costumes to portray the characters to the audience. The location signifiers the way in which Becky and the town have different views. With Becky’s rooms being decorated with white props, using this represents the way in which she is innocent and unaware for what is going on. Where as the town location uses darker colour and connotes the way in which they do not believe in the wedding. Using these two different location makes the theme and storyline clear to the audience.
The narrative of this trail is conventional, the way in which the clips are edited together. Putting the different clips of Becky and the other members of the town makes it clear to the audience watching the view of the different characters. The way in which the narrative is conventional many of the techniques used in the advert are done in a conventional way, such as the use of the camera work. Though the use of sound is unconventional being that they use no dialogue or sound effect but doing this puts effect on the background music. The way in which the characters are represented is conventional. This can be seen in the way the Steve is having cold feet about the wedding, which is a conventional filling that males have before wedding.
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