The layout of the poster is done in a very conventional way; this can be seen with the rote of the eye being that along the top you have a very blue sky which connoteing the location and the use of the brides giving the same effect. Then having the eye going through the middle allows the audience to see all the characters having them there allows the audience to see what is being shown and makes it more likely to remember the characters. The rote then takes the eye through the bottom of the poster doing this allows the audience to see all of the characters and end with the sing. Having this in the terminal area means it the last thing that the audience see and will then is what they would remember. The way in which the photo is placed in the principles of thirds allows the street sign with the by line to be the first thing that the audience see. Having this fits in with the theme if the poster and of the soap. In the centre they have the main characters, having them placed in that area allows the audience to identify who the characters are and allows them to know what is being an advert. The hot spots are placed in different character groups doing this allows the audience to see each different set of characters. Most of the dead areas have miner characters placed in them having the layout like makes the most of the space and allows the audience to gave an idea as to what type of soap it is.
The poster has little writing, the style in which has been written fits in with the title. Having a house style with the writing allows older views of the show to know what is being an advert. The style with in with the writing used on street, this fits in with the way in which the writing is shown. Using this fits in with the soap. At the end they show the channel it has moved too ‘five’ this use lower case letter but has a big front which makes it stand out from the other writing. It is also in a different style doing this fits in with the style of channel ‘five’ and allows the audience to clear see where ‘Neighbours’ is moving.
The colours used in the poster reflect the soap. Using bright colours in this way creates a happy, up beat feel to the poster and shows the audience that it’s a cheerful soap.
This can be seen by the blue sky in, which signifiers the sunny location and show the joyful and high spirited characters in the soap. The back ground plants are vivid green, connoteing that its summer time and puts over the fact that it’s set in Australia. Using these colours allows the audience to get an idea of the type of soap that is going to be, this allows the poster to appeal to new audiences. The colours of the costumes also fit in with this, having each character in bright colours connotes the way the characters are cheerful and up beat. This is also stereotypical of the age of the characters having the older male characters in shirts and the younger characters in t-shirts and young style clothes. The costumes used allow the audience to get an idea as to what the characters are like. Using the bright colours throughout the poster makes it stand out. This is something that I think worked well and draws in the audience, this is something that I need to try and do for my poster.
The image chosen gives the audience information about the soap and the characters by having the character standing close together, signifier the way in which there are a close neighbourhood.
Though with this they are in groups such as the Kennedy’s all standing together and the couples, doing this puts over to the audience the different groups of people; allowing the audience to see which characters are together and possible plot lines. Having them positioned in this way with Stephanie on Toady’s back, doing this reflects the way in which it’s a fun cheerful soap. Using the different leaves here makes the most of having a master shot and allows the audience to see all of the character and see the location having the houses in the background and showing the blue sky. Putting in these elements allows the audience to see the location, identify with the type of soap. Using a master shot for the poster is unconventional being that it conotes all the characters instead of using a close up of the main ones involved in the story line. However using this makes it clear to the audience the type of soap it is and connotes how it is different to the other soaps out their. The use of props like the trumpet allows the audience to see the type of character he is. Using the animals such as the kangaroo allows the audience to see the setting. This can be seen with the other animals used putting them in signifiers the way in which it’s not being serious and appeals to new audience. This can also be seen thought the way the characters are acting each of them having a smile on their faces and in cheerfully poses, reflects the way in which the soap is putting over the happiness in the soap. Showing the way in which the audience will be happier by watching it. This is also seen through the lighting, having the high key lighting reflects the costumes and colours. Using this lighting backs up the idea that the soap is exciting.
The poster represents the characters as happy up beat people, representing them in this way reflects the way in which this soap is going to be cheerful. However the poster does not fit in with the conventional poster; being that it does not show any particular storyline. Also with this the shot type does not fit in using a wide shot is conational being that most poster have close ups in the main characters allowing the audience to identify with those characters. Through I feel that the shot this poster has used allows the audience to see all the characters and would appeal to them more. This is something that I think would have a good effect for my soap poster.
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