Saturday, 28 January 2012

Actors and Costume

Clarissa Bowers as Jesse

For the costume we felt that using typical cloths that teenagers where would allow for the audience to identify with the character. Having the blue colours allows her to be neutral and lets the audience make their mind up about her. Using the conversation teen costume highlights the age of the character and fits in with the character that we created for Jesse.

Laure Bayne as Elizabeth
For the costume we felt that having a more formal look reflected that ‘nerd’ element of her, also seen by the uses of glass. Having this convention allows the audience to clearly identify what type of character she is. By using the white shirt and the brown has less conventional colours and highlights the way in which she doesn’t fit in and puts over Elizabeth.

Tom Bell as Ryan

The costume used of Ryan uses pale colours which allow him to bled into the back ground and shows the way in which he is a less important character. The costume is casual and puts over the way in which he is relaxed. The costume reflect the character of Ryan to the audience.

David Mills as Zac

Here the costume used more darker and contrasts to that of Jesse and highlights the way in which their could be something up with their relationship. The costume also has a relaxed feel and allows the audience to identify with him. The costume puts over the character of Zac.

Eleanor Todd as Sarah

For the costume used brighter colour to put over her character and shows the way in which she doesn’t fit in. The uses of having jeans and T-shirt putting over a causal feeling and allows the audience to relate to her. Along with this the costume puts over the character that we created for Sarah.           

Friday, 27 January 2012

Props - Trailer

Using the notebook page highlights the way in which Elizabeth has a crush on Zac. Also using this typical way to connote it to the audience they are able to identify with her feels and puts them over clearly in the trailer.

Using the phones links in with the character and the audience age. It is also a fast way in to show the relationship with Jesse and Billy. By Jesse having the black phone and Billy having the white phone connotes the roles they play in the relationship because of the signifiers that the colours have.

Using the note books relates to the school location and brings this over to the audience and they gain an understanding of the character. Using the pink puts over the female character and lets the target audience to be able to relate to her and gain an understanding of her character.

Thursday, 26 January 2012


For each of my produced, I feel that the location is important in highlighting the soap to the audience. This means that choosing the right location is important in making sure that the soap appeals to the audience and puts over the theme of the soap. Being that the soap is set in a school; the trailer will take place in a school along with this I plan on taking the photos for the poster and magazine in a similar location. The trailer is set in a corridor and I when and took different photo of possible locations of both produced, so that I can make sure that I pick the right location to put over the soap.

This location would work well as it was quiet and I need to make sure that the location will be right for filming. However with this it is a small corridor and would not be a lot of room for movement.

Part of the location for the film is set out side and this could be a good location and puts over the school setting and highlight the way in which he is alone. However this location was very noise and would not work for a film location. Through this could location could be used for the photographs for the magazine and photos as it would be able to highlight the setting and what the soap is about.

This location would also be used for the outside and I found that it was quieter and having the empty beaches would show the isolation of the character. This location could also be used for the photographs but dose not put over the fact that’s it set in a school.

This corridor would be used for most of the film and clearly putting over the setting. However the lighting is not as effect as in the other locations and the movement would not work as well. I felt that taking the photos here would not mach the location in the trailer, meaning that the audience would not see the link between the different products.

This location would be used the photographs being that it puts over the location to the audience and allow them to get an idea of the type of soap that is being advertised. Through to get the whole front of the school would mean that the photo would have to be a wide long shot which would mean that the characters are not clear.

I found that this location would be good for filming being that it was quiet and would allow us to put over all the movement need and put over the characters to the audience. I could also use this location of the photos allowing me to show the location and the characters to the audience. Through with this location I will need to cheek the over head lighting to make sure that it had the right effect being that it could create the wrong shadows.

Here the corridor is long compared to the others and would give us more movement. However the spacing between the doors might not work when panning and the green wall dose not fit in with our target audience being that it creates a childish feel. Using this location for the photos would allow putting over the location but then the colours might not put over the soap.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Final Plot - Trailer

Being that we had all created our own script, storyboard and shot list along the same line. So we all got together to bring all our ideas together and allow us to create on e plot line that have everyone’s ideas in it. Doing this would allow us to create our final script, storyboard and shot list to allow us to start filming. 
Final Plot:

  1. Jessie kept behind in classroom with teacher – Dialogue
  2. Sarah standing outside the classroom, looking at the her watch, waiting for Jessie.
  3. Jessie walks out of the classroom and moans about the teacher to Sarah – Dialogue
  4. Cut to Zac and Ryan in a different corridor – Dialogue
  5. Jessie and Sarah enter the corridor, Jessie push between Zac and Ryan
  6. Pan to Elizabeth standing, looking over at the group
  7. Over the shoulder of Elizabeth looking at a photo of Zac
  8. Back around to the group, showing Jessie getting her phone out
  9. Jessie has got a new text
  10. Cut to Billy who has sent a text
  11. Shot close up cuts of each of the characters
  12. Fade to ‘Hatton Park’ logo and information – Name, date, channel and time